"Energy , food and water are going to be the most important challenges faced by developing countries including Pakistan in times to come.Access to energy at an affordable cost promoting production and employment should always be a key objective of government policies and private sector participation. The coming two or three decades would be of transition, from the limitation of a fossil age to the abundance of renewable energy. Transition will bring promise along with uncertainty.A flexible, open and yet sure-footed approach would be required to meet the new challenges and opportunities. Fortunately transition is going to be gradual and predictable. New technologies, even after proving their worth, would have supply limitations. Existing fossil fuel plants will not be turned off. These would complete their economic life.Coal would have a lot of inertia. Its proven reserves are highest."
This new book gives a researched outlook and opinion on how to proceed with the Energy sector development in Pakistan. It is not a book written in popular format though due to its subject appeal to the common citizen, it can engage readership of a varied audience from policy planners, experts in economics, development, management to politicians,buraeucrats, journalists, media persons, academicians, educationists, bankers and foreign investors and governments involved in Pakistan's development.I have given detailed background including facts and figures, in each chapter dealing with Coal, Hydel, Wind, Solar, electricity,Oil and Gas,Liquefied natural gas, Nuclear power,. The issues of Pricing, demand and supply, electricity generation, transmision and distribution are detailed. Policy recommendations and mechanisms and institutional arrangements are given in each context.Feasability data for development of coal Energy, Electricity pricing,Hydro-profits and Royalty issues are there for the planners and project executers.
Available at Royal Book Company, Karachi. US$ 50, Pak Rupees 1550.
BG-Rex Centre, Fatima Jinnah Road, Karachi-75530, Pakistan.Ph;0213-5653418,35684244. fax; 0213-5653419. Ferozsons, Lahore, Liberty Books, Karachi, Mr. Books,Islamabad. Foiles, UK. Available with shipment at www.dukandar.com http://search.store.yahoo.net/cgi-bin/nsearch?query=Pakistan's%20energy%20development&x=0&y=0&catalog=yhst-60028183600056